Thing is, there aren’t only 2 biological sexes either. Variation happens everywhere. Science knew this a long time ago…

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yes absolutely! most scientists choose to ignore variations of sex. and for humans, sex cannot be reduced to pure biology. there is absolutely a social component that adds even more variation into the mix

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Dec 3Edited

I am sorry that your pie crust was a total flop, but take heart in having created something that is a total win - this article and the points it makes! Also, thanks for successfully joining today's efforts!

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aw thank you for the kind words and for sharing! i did end up writing the bulk of this instead of making the pie crust 😂

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And we are all better off because of it this day - not that your pie crust would not have been equally amazing, and as much as I like pie, your article is something I can enjoy from you. The pie, not so much. I think we lucked out :)

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